General Update 03.31.21

COVID-19 Updates to Campus

What a year we have had since March 9, 2020, when we began Spring Break, not realizing our lives would change in significant ways.  What a journey this has been and will continue to be as we seek to continue to return to a life that more closely resembles a year ago!   With recent changes to COVID-19 safety protocols in Texas and in our community, I want to make you aware that we have altered some COVID-19 policies and practices, while continuing to focus on maintaining a safe environment.

Last night at its monthly meeting, the Board of Trustees ratified the McLennan Community College COVID-19 Policies.  Among these is Policy E-XXXXI (Face Coverings, Social Distancing & Related COVID-19 Precautionary Safety Requirements).  One change to this policy is that while face coverings continue to be required inside buildings, they are not required outside buildings, but are recommended to be worn outside as well as inside.   

Based upon CDC guidance, we have also adjusted the quarantine period from 14 days to 10 days. People who have been in direct contact with a person confirmed of having COVID-19 are not required to quarantine if they have been fully vaccinated against the disease and show no symptoms. These changes, as well as other COVID-19 related protocols, may be reviewed in our Response to COVID and Return to Campus documents on our COVID-19 website. Employees may also contact Missy Kittner in Human Resources  and students may contact Gale Kissinger in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for questions about these changes. All other COVID-19 policies and procedures will be maintained.

Up until this point, we have not allowed off-campus organizations to host events on campus; however, we will begin opening the campus to the community for events beginning June 1st and will be requiring our COVID-19 safety protocols to be followed.  In some situations, performers and speakers are required to wear face coverings when moving throughout our buildings, but they may remove their covering when they are speaking or performing. We are using special measures to mitigate transmission of the virus for these situations.

Although the College does not require the vaccine for students or employees, we encourage all to protect themselves by receiving the vaccine. There is a free vaccine finder website to explore information about the vaccines and where they are available in our community:  I personally encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to become vaccinated.  I have received the vaccine and hope you will join me to help keep yourself and others safe.

Finally, we are looking forward to moving toward our normal operations in the Fall by following the new CDC guidance that allows classes to be scheduled with 3-feet of physical distancing in the classrooms.  This is anticipated to result in more in-person and hybrid class options. We will continue to offer online courses and resources. Please remember that registration for the Summer and Fall semesters will open on April 5. You should make sure that you do not have any holds that would keep you from registering. and remember to meet with your advisor as soon as possible in order to register. 

This is a long note, but there is much important information here as the Vice Presidents and I want to keep you informed.  We continue to monitor all of the changing federal, state, and local guidance and will adjust our policies and protocols to best protect the campus while providing excellent education and support.  As always, please let me know if you have questions or concerns.  The Leadership Team and I care about your well-being and safety. We are here for you! #McLennanTogether. 

Johnette E. McKown