Transfer Information


Do you plan to transfer to a 4-year university? The key is to start planning EARLY! You will have many opportunities while at MCC to learn about 4-year universities and choose your transfer school. When researching potential schools, be sure to ask the right questions! Here are a few resources to get you started:

It is important to plan carefully because depending on the program of study and the school accepting transfer, your options or requirements can change. Knowledge is your best tool to make sure you are staying on a solid academic path. If you are searching for courses that transfer into degree requirements at MCC, please go to our  Transfer Equivalency page

Students should be aware that there are limits on the number of lower-division freshman and sophomore courses that Texas public colleges and universities will accept in transfer. In many cases, the maximum number of college-level courses accepted in transfer toward a bachelor's degree is 66, although some universities may accept slightly more in special cases.

To ensure that you are enrolling in courses that will apply toward a Bachelor's degree, please meet with an advisor to discuss unique transfer situations. In most cases, it is very important to see an advisor at the university to which you are planning to transfer in order to verify what courses you need to take while at MCC. The following transfer guides can assist you and your advisor in the planning process:

University Link to Transfer Guides Location
University Center Logo

University Center at MCC

Texas Tech Transfer Guides

Tarleton Transfer Guides

Waco, TX

Baylor Transfer Student Success
Baylor Transfer Guides

Baylor Nursing Contact Glynnis Gaines

Waco, TX
Dallas, TX
Chamberlain University Nursing
Contact Glynnis Gaines
Transfer Admissions Wichita Falls, TX

Joint Admissions w/MCC

Transfer Admissions

Huntsville, TX

Transfer Admissions

Stephen F. Austin State University
AAFoS Music with BM in Music Education
For additional information contact Lisa Uhl

Nacogdoches, TX
Tarleton State University Stephenville, TX
Texas A&M University College Station, TX
Texas A&M university central texas Texas A&M Central Texas Killeen, TX
Texas State University San Marcos, TX
Texas Tech University Lubbock, TX
Texas Women's University Denton, TX
University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Belton, TX
University of North Texas Denton, TX
University of Texas Austin, TX
University of Texas Arlington Arlington, TX
Western Governors University Western Governors University Online

Engineering Arrangements

Students can begin their engineering degree at MCC and then transfer to one of the following schools:

Texas Tech University
Tarleton State University
Baylor University
University of Texas at Arlington
Midwestern State University
Texas A&M Corpus Christi
Southern Methodist University

Keep in mind that students must meet the admission requirements at the school they wish to transfer to. • Contact: April Andreas,

Transfer Information FAQ

The best way to ensure your credits will transfer is to speak with an advisor at your transfer college. Only they can verify what courses will be accepted, and they may even advise you on what courses to take while at MCC. Your MCC advisor can help you develop a plan using courses that will likely transfer by comparing the Texas Common Course Numbering System, used by MCC, and the course numbers of your transfer college. Many universities also provide transfer guides to help you select the appropriate courses at MCC.

You can transfer with or without an Associate's Degree. The amount of coursework you should complete at MCC will depend on the course requirements of your transfer school and major. You could save money by completing as much as possible before you transfer.

The answer is … NO and YES.

NO — A student may always apply to another college/university for admission, but if that student has too few completed college credits, then their application will not be given the same consideration as is given to a TRUE transfer applicant. The applicant will be considered with all the other freshman applicants and at that competitive level, high school grades and SAT scores strongly affect the answer. If the student is accepted to another college and has earned college credit, those completed college credits will be evaluated by the receiving college/university for transferability.

YES— A TRUE transfer applicant does need to have a minimum number of completed college credits at the time an application is filed. The number of completed credits will vary from as few as 12 to as many as 60 credits. Applying for admission under transfer status affords the student certain additional considerations not offered to freshman applicants. If earning a degree is not your goal, you should plan to attend long enough to complete at least 30 college credits before you apply to transfer. This does not include developmental coursework. Most four-year colleges will waive the SAT requirements for transfer students who have earned more than 30 college credits. And some (though not all) will not require high school transcripts either. The admission decision will be on your college work alone.

After that, you may be assigned to an advising department based on your major. Who is my advisor?

While some competitive colleges do ask all applicants (even transfers) to submit SAT or ACT test scores, most colleges and universities do not require these tests once a student is qualified to apply as a transferring student. The number of completed credits will vary from as few as 12 to as many as 60 credits in order to be eligible for exemption from test score submission. Students who are applying with only a few college credits completed will, more than likely need to submit these test scores and if they have not taken one of these tests, must do so to be considered for admission.

Most four-year colleges require a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or "C" to be eligible for transfer. Certain colleges and certain majors will require higher minimums for admission consideration. Each college in the state and out of state sets its own admission criteria.

Most four-year institutions require a minimum grade of "C" for a course to be considered for transfer. Generally, "C" grades are accepted by colleges unless the intended major specifically requires higher grades in specific courses. Some colleges require no grades lower than B- in major courses. A grade of "D" does not disqualify a student from being accepted to a four-year institution, and the grade itself may transfer; however, a strong GPA and appropriate courses are important for a successful transfer.

It is best to file your applications at the very beginning of your last full term/semester before the intended transfer. If you hope to begin at the next college for the fall term, you should be filing the application at the very beginning of the spring term. Likewise, if you are applying to begin at the next college for the January term (spring) then you should be filing your applications by mid-September of the fall term. Colleges that announce that they have rolling admission mean that they will continue taking applications until they fill up. However, you should still apply early to be sure that your intended major is not full.