Arbor Day

McLennan Community College is proud to have maintained Tree Campus Higher Education status for over a decade. Tree Campus Higher Education is a program through the Arbor Day Foundation that encourages tree friendly campuses across the U.S. There are 28 campuses in Texas with the Tree Campus Higher Education status, only 7 of which are colleges. 

In order to achieve Tree Campus Higher Education Status, colleges and universities need to to have a campus Tree Advisory Committee, a Tree Care Plan, an annual Arbor Day observance, and meet several other criteria. MCC celebrates Arbor Day April by planting a tree on campus and sharing knowledge and information about the trees on campus. Our next Arbor Day will be April 24th, 2025 at 1:00 pm on main campus.

MCC Virtual Tree Tour

If you want to learn more about the diversity of trees on MCC's campus, please watch our virtual tree tour below. You can also discover the campus's tree's yourself by using the Trees and Shrubs Dichotomous key for campus that was developed by Janis Jackson, retired MCC botanist.