Social Media at MCC

Engaging with MCC accounts on social media is a great way to stay in the know regarding campus announcements, events, resources, reminders, and more.

Follow MCC on social media!


Social Media Guidelines & Best Practices

The College has an official Social Media Policy located online. Please read over the policy to become familiar with the limitations and responsibilities expected of faculty and staff creating and maintaining a social media profile on behalf of the College.

Getting Started:

  • Determine who will be responsible for managing the account, updating posts, and responding to comments/questions.
  • Reach out to MARCOM to share all users and account information (email, username, password, etc.).

Best Practices:

  • Be accurate - Check that what you are posting is true and correct. Review content for grammatical, spelling, and other errors.
  • Be respectful - Understand that social media content should encourage comments and discussion, and responses should be considered carefully in how they reflect the College. Inappropriate, injurious, and illegal content may be removed by account administrators or MARCOM.
  • Be consistent - Be sure to post consistently with relevant information for your audience.

Contact Information:

Sarah Chavez, Social Media & Communications Specialist