Glossary of Terms

  • Academically Disadvantaged: When reporting academically disadvantaged students, colleges may report students who, based on a Texas Success Initiative (TSI) approved test, do not have college entry-level skills in reading, writing, or math. Colleges should also report TSI compliant students who are enrolled in remedial courses based on the results of tests administered for placement purposes.
  • Completion Rate: The percentage of students in a course who completed the course with a final course grade of A, B, C, D, F, NC, or CR.
    • Completion Rate = number of students with a final grade of A, B, C, D, F, NC, or CR / number of students enrolled in the course
  • Dual Credit Student: A student who has not graduated high school, is enrolled in a college course, and receives academic credit for the course from both the college and the high school.
  • Economically Disadvantaged: Colleges may use one or more of the following standards to determine whether an individual is economically disadvantaged: 1) annual income at or below the federal poverty line, 2) eligibility for Aid to Families with Dependent Children or other public assistance programs (includes WIC program participants), 3) receipt of a Pell Grant or comparable state program of need-based financial assistance, 4) participation or eligible for JTPA programs included under Title II, and 5) eligible for benefits under the Food Stamp Act of 1977 or the Health and Humans Services (HHS) Poverty Guidelines, 403.114, page 36721 of final Rules and Regulations.
  • Failure Rate: The percentage of students in a course who completed the course with a final course grade of D, F, or NC.
    • Failure Rate = number of students with a final grade of D, F, or NC / number of students enrolled in the course
  • First-Time-in-College (FTIC) Student: An entering student who has never attended any college and has completed high school or a high school equivalent.
    • A dual credit student is not considered FTIC until after they graduate high school.
  • First-Time-Transfer Student: A student entering an institution for the first time but has been known to have previously attended another post-secondary institution.
  • Full-Time Status: A student enrolled in 12 or more semester credit hours in a fall or spring semester or 6 or more hours in the summer semester.
  • Graduation Rate: The percentage of first-time-in-college students for a given cohort who graduate in a specific period of time.
    • Graduate Rate = Number of graduates in the time period / number of FTIC students in the cohort
  • Part-Time Status: A student enrolled in 11 or fewer semester credit hours in a fall or spring semester or 5 or fewer in the summer semester.
  • Persistence Rate: The rate at which students are retained in a term or course.
    • Persistence Rate = Number of students who ended the term / number of students initially enrolled in the term
    • Note course persistence is calculated as Completion Rate
  • Retention Rate: The rate at which students are retained at an institution from term to term or year to year.
    • Retention Rate = Number of students who reenrolled in the time period / number of FTIC students in cohort
  • Return Rate: The percentage of first-time-in-college students for a given cohort who transfer to another institution in a specific period of time.
    • Transfer Rate = Number of students who transfer in the time period / number of FTIC students in cohort
  • Success Rate: The percentage of students in a course who completed the course with a final course grade of A, B, C, or CR.
    • Success Rate = number of students with a final grade of A, B, C, or CR / number of students enrolled in the course
  • Transfer Rate: The percentage of first-time-in-college students for a given cohort who transfer to another institution in a specific period of time.
    • Transfer Rate = Number of students who transfer in the time period / number of FTIC students in the cohort
  • Withdrawal Rate: The percentage of students in a course who withdrew from the course after the course census date with a final course grade of W.
    • Withdrawal Rate = number of students with a final grade of W / number of students enrolled in the course