Some student information is considered Directory Information that may be released to the general public without your written/electronic consent. To request that any or all of this information be withheld, complete a Request to Withhold Directory or Public Information form, also available at Highlander Central in the Enrollment Services Center. The completed form must be submitted in person during the first 12 class days of a fall or spring semester or the first four class days of a summer term, or the first two class days of minimester term to Highlander Central and must be accompanied by a photo I.D.
The following is included as Directory Information
Name; student’s address; parents’ names and address; telephone number; major field of study; classification; participation in officially recognized activities and sports; weight and height of members of athletic teams; dates of attendance; degrees, awards and date(s) received; all previous educational agencies or institutions attended; photographs that may be used in MCC publications, advertisements, videos, or Internet sites; honors; e-mail addresses; and enrollment status (full time or part time).