2023 Service Awards

- Gary Duncan
- Professor, Math
- Melissa Fisher
- Sr. Lab Instructor, Academic Support & Tutoring
- Gail Wade
- Professor, Music
- Preston Lynn Waller
- Professor, English
- Kim Henderson
- Sr. Administrative Assistant, Student Records & Registration
- Clarence Walker
- Custodian, Custodial Services
- Brenda Castilow
- Lab Instructor, Academic Support & Tutoring
- Stephen Cook
- Program Director/Asst. Professor, Fire Fighter’s Academy
- Velinda Haltom
- Payroll Specialist, Human Resources
- Valerie Jimenez
- Sr. Administrative Assistant, Financial Aid
- Jonathan Kutz
- Program Director/Professor, Music Industry Careers
- Brooks Wilson
- Professor, Economics
- Olga Deanda
- Custodian, Custodial Services
- Theresa Evans
- Sr. Administrative Assistant, HPE & Math
- Missy Kittner
- Chief Human Resources Officer, Human Resources
- Bryan Mohan
- Grounds Manager, Grounds Maintenance
- Elaine Ortega
- Custodial Manager, Custodial Services
- Clif-Ann Paris
- Sr. Graphic Design Specialist, Marketing & Communications
- Diane S. Russo
- Advising Specialist, Advising & Career Services
- Diane Schmaus
- Professor, Biology
- Theresa Bell Sparks
- Professor, Biology
- Debbie Wright
- Central Services Assistant, Central Services
- Teri Barnes
- Professor, Mathematics
- Kandice Blades
- Sr. Accountant, Student Accounts Receivables
- Donna Fouts
- Administrative Assistant, Allied Health
- Laci Spanos
- Administrative Assistant, Advising & Career Services
- Kelly Parker
- Professor, Theatre
- Candice Pena
- Admissions Technician, Student Admissions
- Lesley Plemons
- Program Director/Professor, Health Information Technology
- Michelle Rapier
- Assistant Professor, Biology
- Nick Webb
- Professor, English
- Laura Wichman
- Chief Research & Effectiveness Officer, Institutional Research
- Larry Benton
- Professor, Chemistry
- Yolanda Gonzalez
- Associate Professor, English
- Tim Holtkamp
- Business Consultant, Small Business Development Center
- Felicia Lampe
- Child Development Teacher, Child Development Lab School
- Felipe McQuatters
- Library Reference & Technology Specialist, Library Services
- Christopher Minshew
- Custodian, Custodial Services
- Michelle Moravec
- Associate Professor, Mathematics
- Melree Paris
- Accounts Payable Technician, Financial Services
- Bonnie Sneed
- Professor, Music
- Karen Thomas
- Child Development Teacher, Child Development Lab School
- Zachary Vanek
- Sr. Groundskeeper, Grounds Maintenance
- Jenna Warf
- Professor, Associate Degree Nursing
- Penelope Arias
- AEL Assistant, Adult Education and Literacy
- Kellee Brotherton
- Administrative Assistant, Allied Health
- Blake Burkhart
- Sr. Highlander Central Assistant, Student Admissions
- Laura Conrad
- Program Director, Alternative Teacher Certification
- Mark Crenwelge
- Associate Professor, Mathematics
- Jackie Dove
- Associate Professor, Biology
- Donna Ewing
- Associate Professor, Biology
- Ashraf Gilani
- Sr. Lab Instructor, Academic Support & Tutoring
- Stephen Greathouse
- Associate Professor, Business
- Anna Iushchenko
- Assistant Professor, English
- Tyler Johnson
- Head Baseball Coach, Athletics
- Ashlee Keyes
- Director, Dance Team
- Brenda King
- Sr. Administrative Assistant, Continuing Education
- Debra Lamprecht
- Associate Professor, Computer Info Sys & Multimedia
- Jeremy Leatham
- Associate Professor, English
- Kevin Lightfoot
- Director, Library Services
- Jimmy Lipsey
- Security Guard, Campus Police
- Destinie Mangrum
- Project Director, Upward Bound
- Kathy McLendon
- Director, Resource Development
- Kelli Nehring
- Associate Director, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
- Cynthia Niles
- Sr. Administrative Assistant, Physical Plant
- Johnathan O’Connor
- Maintenance Technician, Maintenance
- Michael Pavoggi
- Research Analyst, Institutional Research
- Colin Porter
- Research Librarian, Library Services
- Krystina Pullen
- Sr. Administrative Assistant, Social & Behavioral Sciences
- John Raines
- Advising Specialist, Advising and Career Services
- Ruben Salazar
- Sr. Highlander Central Assistant, Student Admissions
- Flor Sanchez
- Child Development Teacher, Child Development Lab School
- John Seawright
- Associate Professor, Biology
- Mary Sides
- Associate Professor, Biology
- Edna Simons
- Associate Professor, Nursing, ADN
- Elizabeth Stewart
- Sr. Administrative Assistant, Counseling Center
- Katie Vise
- Accommodations Coordinator, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
- Clayton Williams
- Chief of Police/Director, Campus Police
- Boyce Wilson
- Associate Professor, Business
- Bryant Windham
- Coordinator, Academic Support & Tutoring
- Dinithi Wright
- Lead Advising Specialist, Advising and Career Services
- Laura Wright
- Associate Professor, Engineering
- Yumei Wu
- Associate Professor, Mathematics