Academic Policies

Like all other colleges, McLennan Community College (MCC) follows policies and procedures that guide grades, class attendance, scholastic probation, degree plans, credit by examination, and other subjects. These instructional guidelines are established by the College and sometimes by governmental regulation, and they are described in this section.

This section also lists organizations and agencies that provide accreditation, recognition, and approval for MCC's programs.

  • Degree Requirements

    MCC offers four degrees:

    • Associate of Arts (A.A.) degree and Associate of Science (A.S.) degree

      These degrees are awarded to students who complete 60 hours of credit in college-level courses. The courses are often called "transfer" programs because they provide the two-year foundation for transferring to a four-year college and earning a bachelor's degree (see Requirements for the A.A. Degree). For some areas, students can complete an approved field of study curriculum as part of their degree. A field of study curriculum will transfer as a designated block of courses to public universities in Texas.

    • Associate of Arts in Teaching (A.A.T.) degree

      The A.A.T. degree is a Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board-approved collegiate degree program consisting of lower-division courses that transfer to baccalaureate programs leading to initial Texas teacher certification. This degree is awarded to students who complete a minimum of 60 hours of college course work that includes all of the requirements for the A.A.T. degree (see Requirements for the A.A.T. Degree).

    • Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) degree

      This degree is awarded to students who complete a minimum of 60 hours of college work in one of MCC's workforce programs - including 15 hours of general education credit (see Requirements for the A.A.S. Degree). The degree is awarded to students who seek immediate employment in the workforce or who plan to transfer to a four-year college.

  • Graduation Requirements for the Associate Degree

    Each student's course of study leading to an associate degree is determined by the degree requirements in effect at the time the student first enrolls in college-level courses at MCC. From the date of that initial enrollment, the student has five years to complete an associate degree (A.A., A.A.S., A.A.T. or A.S.). After five years, the student will be subject to any new degree requirements that may be in effect when the student next enrolls. Exceptions to these requirements must be approved by the appropriate Dean.

  • Transfer Information

    All lower-division academic courses shall be fully transferable among public institutions and must count toward the same degree at any public college or university in Texas.

    1. Each institution of higher education shall identify in its undergraduate catalog each lower-division course that is substantially equivalent to an academic course listed in the current edition of the Lower Division Academic Course Guide Manual by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.
    2. Each university must offer at least 45 semester credit hours of academic courses that are substantially equivalent to courses listed in the Lower Division Academic Course Guide Manual, including those that fulfill the lower-division portion of the institution's Core Curriculum.
    3. All public colleges and universities must accept transfer of credit for successfully completed courses identified in (a) and (b) as applicable to an associate or baccalaureate degree in the same manner as credit awarded to non-transfer students in that major.
    4. Each institution shall be required to accept in transfer into a baccalaureate degree the number of lower-division credit hours in a major that are allowed for its non-transfer students in that major; however:
      • No institution shall be required to accept in transfer more credit hours in a major than the number set out in the applicable Coordinating Board-approved Transfer Curriculum for that major, as prescribed by the current issue of the Coordinating Board's guide to transfer curricula and transfer of credit (Transfer of Credit Policies and Curricula).
      • In any major for which there is no Coordinating Board-approved Transfer Curriculum, no institution shall be required to accept in transfer more lower-division course credit in the major applicable to a baccalaureate degree than the institution allows its non-transfer students in that major.
      • A university may deny the transfer of credit in courses with a grade of D as applicable to the student's field of study courses, core curriculum courses or major.
    5. All senior institutions of higher education in Texas shall provide support services for transfer students equivalent to those provided to non-transfer students regularly enrolled at the institutions, including an orientation program for transfer students equivalent to that provided for entering freshman enrollees.
    6. No university shall be required to accept in transfer or toward a degree more than 66 semester credit hours of academic credits earned by a student in a community college. Universities, however, may choose to accept additional credit hours.
    • Penalty for Noncompliance with Transfer Rules

      If it is determined by the Coordinating Board that an institution inappropriately or unnecessarily required a student to retake a course that is substantially equivalent to a course already taken at another institution, in violation of the provisions of section 5.372, formula funding for credit hours in the repeated course will be deducted from the institution's appropriations.

    • Resolution of Transfer Disputes for Lower-Division Courses
      1. The following procedures shall be followed by public institutions of higher education in the resolution of credit transfer disputes involving lower-division courses:
        • If an institution of higher education does not accept course credit earned by a student at another institution of higher education, the receiving institution shall give written notice to the student and to the sending institution that transfer of the course credit is denied. A receiving institution shall also provide written notice of the reasons for denying credit for a particular course or set of courses at the request of the sending institution.
        • A student who receives notice as specified and previously stated in this section may dispute the denial of credit by contacting a designated official at either the sending or the receiving institution.
        • The two institutions and the student shall attempt to resolve the transfer of the course credit in accordance with Coordinating Board rules and guidelines.
        • If the transfer dispute is not resolved to the satisfaction of the student or the sending institution within 45 days after the date the student received written notice of denial, the institution that denies the course credit for transfer shall notify the Commissioner of Higher Education of its denial and the reasons for the denial.
      2. The Commissioner of Higher Education or the Commissioner's designee shall make the final determination about a dispute concerning the transfer of course credit and give written notice of the determination to the involved student and institutions.
      3. Each institution of higher education shall publish in its course catalogs the procedures specified in subsections a, b, d and e of this section.
      4. The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board shall collect data on the types of transfer disputes that are reported and the disposition of each case that is considered by the Commissioner or the Commissioner's designee.
      5. If a receiving institution has cause to believe that a course being presented by a student for transfer from another school is not of an acceptable level of quality, it should first contact the sending institution and attempt to resolve the problem. In the event that the two institutions are unable to come to a satisfactory resolution, the receiving institution may notify the Commissioner of Higher Education, who may investigate the course. If its quality is found to be unacceptable, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board may discontinue funding for the course.
  • Certificate of Completion

    A certificate is awarded to students who complete specified requirements as outlined in programs awarding certificate recognition. There are two levels of certificates: Level One requires completion of 15 to 42 semester hours, Level Two requires completion of 43 to 59 semester hours.

  • Guarantee for Job Competency
    1. The graduate must have earned the Associate of Applied Science degree or Certificate of Completion beginning August 1, 1992, in a workforce program identified in the college's General Catalog.
    2. The graduate must have completed requirements for the Associate of Applied Science degree or Certificate of Completion within the MCC system, with a minimum 75 percent of credits earned at MCC, and must have completed the degree or certificate within a four-year time span from initial enrollment.
    3. Graduates must be employed full time in an area directly related to the area of program concentration as certified by the appropriate administrative officer.
    4. Employment must commence within 12 months of graduation.
    5. The employer must certify in writing that the employee is lacking entry-level skills identified by MCC as program-exit competencies and must specify the areas of deficiency within 90 days of the graduate's initial employment.
    6. The employer, graduate and assigned representative(s) of the College will develop a written educational plan for retraining.
    7. Retraining will be limited to nine credit hours related to the identified skill deficiency and to those classes regularly scheduled during the period covered by the retraining plan.
    8. All retraining must be completed within the calendar year from the time the educational plan is agreed upon.
    9. The graduate and/or employer is responsible for the cost of books, insurance, uniforms, fees and other course-related expenses.
    10. The guarantee does not imply that the graduate will pass any licensing or qualifying examination for a particular career.

    A student's sole remedy against MCC and its employees for skill deficiencies shall be limited to nine credit hours of tuition-free education under the conditions described above. Activation of the "Graduate Guarantee Program" may be initiated by the graduate by contacting the appropriate MCC administrative office within 90 days of the graduate's initial employment.

  • Student Classification

    Students will be classified as freshmen until they have earned 30 semester hours of credit. They will be classified as sophomores if they have earned from 30 to 64 hours of credit.

    Students are classified as full-time if they are enrolled for 12 or more semester hours, or the contact-hour equivalent, and part-time if they are enrolled for fewer than 12 semester hours, or the contact-hour equivalent.

  • Student Course Loads

    The normal student course load during a long semester (fall or spring) is 15 to 17 semester hours. First-semester freshmen are encouraged to limit themselves to the number of semester hours shown in the student's course of study (major) in the General Catalog.

    The maximum course load for a summer term is seven semester hours. A student may register for no more than nine semester hours in a summer day and concurrent evening term combined. A student may not receive credit for more than 14 semester hours for a full summer term. Students requesting special approval to exceed any of these limits should determine if the institution to which they expect to transfer will accept credits earned under such conditions. The maximum course load for a minimester term is three semester hours. The maximum course load for an eight-week session is eight semester credit hours.

    To register for 18 or more semester hours in a fall or spring semester or to exceed the maximum loads for a summer term, a student must have special approval of the Dean of Arts and Sciences; Dean of Workforce & Public Service; Dean of Health Professions; Director of Records and Registration; or Director of Student Development. Among factors to be considered in the decision to grant or deny students such approval are:

    1. Previous college course load(s) and grades earned.
    2. High school academic record.
    3. Standardized or special test scores.
    4. Anticipated workload and/or co-curricular activities.
    5. Nature of the courses or courses of study to be undertaken.
    6. Special circumstances such as the number of semester hours remaining to complete degree or certificate requirements.
  • Course Credits

    The semester hour is the unit of credit and is defined as the amount of credit given for one lecture hour per week for 16 weeks or its equivalent. A lecture class meeting three hours per week, therefore, counts three semester hours.

    Laboratory work may add a semester hour of credit to a course. In general, three hours of carefully planned and supervised laboratory work are equivalent to one hour of lecture or recitation. Field experience also may add semester hours to the course value. In general, four to six hours of field experience are equivalent to one hour of lecture.

  • Course Numbers

    MCC has adopted the Texas Common Course Numbering System to help students transfer general academic courses between colleges and universities throughout Texas. Common courses are freshman and sophomore academic credit courses identified as common by institutions that are members of the Common Course Numbering System.

    The Common Course number has a standardized four-letter prefix followed by a four-digit number. The four-letter prefix identifies the subject area.

    The first digit identifies the course as either freshman level (1) or sophomore level (2). The second digit identifies the number of credit hours students earn upon completing the course. Usually this digit will be 1, 2, 3, or 4. The final two digits establish the sequence in which courses are often taken. For example, ENGL 1301 is taken before ENGL 1302. Both 1301 and 1302 are freshman-level courses with a semester credit-hour value of three hours each. Courses that begin with a 0 are developmental (not college-level) and do not count toward graduation, nor are grades for those courses included in computation of college-level grade point averages.

    If a course does not have a Common Course number, it does not suggest that the course will not transfer or meet degree requirements. For example, any number of Visual and Performing Arts credits may satisfy degree requirements at most colleges, while only one course will have the Common Course number that refers to Survey of Art History, Music Appreciation, or Theatre Appreciation.

    Each college or university will continue to offer a wide variety of unique courses meant to primarily satisfy degree requirements in their respective programs. These courses may also be identified with Common Course numbers. In such cases, students may need to seek further assistance in planning their transfer program.

  • Auditing a Class (Auditors)

    An auditor is an observer in a college credit course and is subject to the same tuition and fees as if taking the course for credit. Auditors do not receive college credit.

    A course that has been audited must be repeated if credit is to be awarded. Auditors must be eligible for admission to the College; their names will appear on the class roll. Auditors are entitled to use laboratory equipment and supplies or participate in field work on a space-available basis. The faculty member, however, is not obligated to take any papers or examinations from the auditor.

    Auditors must receive approval to audit courses from the appropriate program director or division chair, who shall have the authority to grant permission to audit courses in their areas of responsibility. Lecture courses are the most appropriate for students to audit. Auditors may not be accepted in certain courses due to lack of space, course prerequisites, entrance requirements for a particular program or the amount of individualized instructional time required, such as internship courses.

    A student may change from credit to audit status, with the approval of the appropriate program director or division chair, provided the change is made before the 12th class day in a fall or spring semester, the fourth class day in a summer term or before the census day for minimester courses or courses beginning at irregular times during a semester or term.

  • Credit-By-Articulation

    Credit-by-articulation allows students the opportunity to receive college credit at MCC for specific courses taken during high school. Students must complete the identified high school course(s) with a grade of B or better, meet all admission requirements to MCC, and enroll at the College within 15 months of high school graduation.

    MCC recognizes the statewide Advanced Technical Credit (ATC) program. High school teachers receive training and certification from the ATC program to teach specific Career & Technical Education (CTE) courses in high school that meet college standards. These courses are matched to courses offered at MCC and count toward many of our associate’s degrees and certificate programs.

  • Requirements for Credit-By-Articulation
    1. The student must earn a grade of B or higher in the articulated course(s). The student must also fulfill the learning outcome objectives upon completion of the articulated high school course and be recommended as being competent in the subject matter to be recognized for articulated credit at MCC.
    2. The student must meet all admission requirements to MCC and enroll within 15 months after high school graduation.
    3. The student must petition for the articulated credit in the High School Pathways office at MCC within 15 months after high school graduation.
    4. MCC will post articulated credit on the college transcript when the student completes six non-developmental college hours at the College with a grade point average of 2.0 or better. This requirement may be satisfied before high school graduation by dual credit or by qualifying AP or CLEP examination scores with a grade point average of 2.0 or better.
    5. The student can articulate a maximum of 12 college hours.
    6. Since a grade of CR (credit) is assigned to articulated courses, the grade does not affect a student's college grade point average but will be included in accumulated college hours attempted and earned.
    7. Articulated credit will be granted only to those students who took the identified course from an ATC certified teacher.
    8. McLennan Community College guarantees the acceptance of articulated credit under the conditions specified above. Acceptance of articulated credit to colleges other than MCC will be subject to approval from the receiving institutions.
    9. McLennan Community College recognizes the Advanced Technical Credit Program, which sets common statewide standards for the award of college credit for selected, content-enhanced high school courses. Advanced Technical Credit will be granted only to those students whose school district participates in the Advanced Technical Credit Program, whose high school teacher is certified in Advanced Technical Credit, and credit is approved by the Dean of Workforce & Public Service at MCC.
  • Credit by Examination

    Students who believe they already possess the knowledge and/or skills taught in certain courses or programs offered by MCC will be given the opportunity to receive credit by special examination in courses where proficiency may be determined appropriately by examination.

    Credit by examination is available to students who plan to enter the College and to students who are currently enrolled. The college awards credit for successful completion of MCC departmental examinations and various examinations published by the College Board, including the College Board Advanced Placement Program (AP) and the College Level Examination Program Subject (CLEP-S) exams .

    • Application Procedures
      1. College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

        Under the College Level Examination Program (CLEP), the College will award credit for only the specified subject examinations. General examinations are not accepted. As with other testing programs, a student may attempt a CLEP examination at a national CLEP test center before enrolling and have the scores reported to the College. These examinations are also offered at MCC through the Testing Center. Further information concerning CLEP tests may be obtained from high school counselors and principals or from
      2. College Board Advanced Placement Program Examination (AP)

        The Advanced Placement (AP) examination is the final examination for a nationally standardized course offered in a limited number of secondary schools. The objective of the AP program is to allow students to begin work toward college credits while still in high school. Students should check with their high school counselor(s) or principal as to the availability of the AP examinations in their school.
      3. International Baccalaureate Examination (IB)

        The International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program is an international program of courses and examinations offered at the high school level. MCC will grant a minimum of 24 hours of credit for an IB Diploma completed with higher- or standard-level exam scores of 4-7. For those individuals who participate in IB courses but do not receive an IB diploma, individual course credit may be earned based on the score obtained on specified IB exams.
      4. MCC Departmental Examinations

        Departmental examinations are available for many courses offered by the College. To determine what examinations are available and for application forms, contact the respective departments. An application form for each examination must be approved by the appropriate Division Chair or Program Director, who will designate a faculty member to prepare, administer, and grade the examination.
    • General Rules and Procedures

      The student is responsible for having exam scores sent to the MCC Testing Center. Scores for CLEP, AP and IB examinations should be received prior to enrollment for use in course advisement and placement. Generally, no more than 24 hours of credit by examination may be obtained either at MCC or by transfer from other institutions or a combination thereof.

      To receive credit by examination at MCC, a student must score at or above the "C" level. The course number, title and credit hours will be entered on the student's permanent record with notation of the type of test taken and the score. A grade of "CR" (credit) will be assigned for any course in which credit is earned by examination. This grade is not computed in the grade point average. Credit by examination may be attempted only one time in a given course. There will be no refund and no entry made on the student's permanent record in case of failure of an examination for credit.

      Students should direct inquiries concerning courses available for credit by examination to the Testing Center.

  • Credit through Advanced Standing

    Advanced standing is the means whereby a student may be placed in an upper-level course and at the same time receive academic credit for a lower-level prerequisite course in the same subject.

    Advanced standing may be accomplished for certain courses in English and mathematics on the basis of scores achieved on the American College Testing (ACT) Assessment or the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT).

    Students must make application for advanced standing in the Testing Center. Failure to gain approval for advanced standing may result in no credit for the lower-level course if an upper-level course is taken without such approval. Advanced standing may be attempted only one time in a given course. Contact the Testing Center for additional information.

    • Licensed Vocational Nurses

      A Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN) who wishes to obtain advanced standing in the Associate Degree Nursing program has two options and must meet specific admission requirements. All Licensed Vocational Nurses must:

      • Apply for advanced standing.
      • Have a valid current Texas vocational nurse license.
      • Submit official copies of all college transcripts.

      Licensed Vocational Nurses who qualify for advanced placement by completing the leveling transition course RNSG 1324, RNSG 1128, RNSG 1118, and RNSG 1163 (Transition from Vocational to Professional Nursing) must demonstrate:

      • Completion of all admission requirements to MCC.
      • Completion of all prerequisite courses as required for entry into Level III of the Associate Degree Nursing Program. (Courses taken at another college or university will be evaluated on an individual basis.)
      • A cumulative grade point average of 2.8 or better in all courses applicable toward the Associate Degree Nursing program.
      • Passing scores on Psychological Services Bureau, Inc (PSB for Registered Nursing). Upon completion of all transition courses (RNSG 1324, RNSG 1128, RNSG 1118, and RNSG 1163), the student is granted credit for RNSG 1125, 1216, 1128, 1430, 1161, 1126, 1533 and 2362 and may enroll in the first sophomore Associate Degree Nursing courses, RNSG 1137, RNSG 1538 and RNSG 2363. Enrollment is limited to the number of vacancies in the course. Note: Licensed Vocational Nurses who have enrolled and failed in the Associate Degree Nursing program are not eligible for RNSG 1324, RNSG 1128, RNSG 1118 or RNSG 1161.
    • Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)

      By passing the National Registry EMT certifying examination, students may earn college credit. In order to receive credit, the applicant must fulfill the following requirements:

      1. Meet all admission requirements of the College.
      2. Present a copy of the National Registry EMT exam scores to the Paramedicine Program Director.
      3. Complete a degree plan.

      With approved credit for the EMT, credit for the following courses will be granted upon completion of equivalent hours at MCC:

      • EMSP 1501 Emergency Medical Technician-Basic
      • EMSP 1160 Clinical-Emergency Medical Technology/Technician
    • Certified Legal Assistant (CLA)

      By passing the Certified Legal Assistant examination, students may earn college credit. In order to receive credit, the applicant must fulfill the following requirements:

      1. Meet all admission requirements of the College.
      2. Present a certified transcript of the CLA Examination results to the Paralegal Program Director.
      3. Complete a degree plan.

      With approved credit for the CLA Certification, credit for the following courses will be granted upon completion of six hours at MCC:

      • LGLA 1313 Introduction to Paralegal Studies
      • POFT 1393 Introduction to Keyboarding
      • POFT 1301 Business English
      • ITSW 1301 Introduction to Word Processing

      Students may earn as many as nine more credit hours depending upon the substantive law sections taken on the CLA Examination.

    • Professional Legal Secretary (PLS)

      By passing the Professional Legal Secretary examination, students may earn college credit. In order to receive credit, the applicant must fulfill the following requirements:

      1. Meet all admission requirements of the College.
      2. Present a certified transcript of the PLS Examination results to the Paralegal Program Director.
      3. Complete a degree plan.
    • Paralegal Program

      With approved credit for the PLS Certificate, credit for the following courses will be granted upon completion of six hours at MCC:

      • LGLA 1313 Introduction to Paralegal Studies
      • POFT 1393 Introduction to Keyboarding
      • POFT 1301 Business English
      • BUSI 2301 Business Law I
      • LGLA 2307 Law Office Management
      • ITSW 1301 Introduction to Word Processing
  • Credit for USAFI Courses

    The following conditions apply regarding the acceptance of credit for the United States Armed Forces Institute (USAFI) courses:

    1. Credit for USAFI courses taken by correspondence or through college extension may be accepted as transfer credit if the courses correspond with courses offered at MCC. A course not meeting this criterion may be approved as a substitution for a MCC course by the Coordinator of Student Admissions and the appropriate Program Director or department coordinator.
    2. USAFI courses for which credit was gained by examination only will not be accepted.
    3. USAFI courses approved for transfer or as substitutions will apply toward degrees and certificates granted by MCC. All pertinent General Catalog regulations shall apply.
  • Credit for Non-Traditional Learning

    McLennan Community College may grant college credit hours for (1) non-credit workforce development courses taken at McLennan Community College or other accredited or nationally recognized institutions and for (2) certificates received from state or national certifying boards, provided that the certification courses are the equivalent of MCC college credit courses in an approved workforce education program, and for (3) workplace experiences where the College has received clear evidence that the student learning involved was evaluated appropriately. Awarding of credit hours is recommended by departmental faculty and approved by the appropriate dean.

    Non-credit courses taken at McLennan Community College or at other institutions and/or agencies and converted to college credit hours will normally not become a part of the student's permanent record until he earns an equivalent number of credit hours in regular college level courses at MCC. Exceptions may be approved by the appropriate dean.

    College-credit hours may be granted to students who have passed state or national licensure or certification examinations in the following major fields: child care, paralegal, police academy, radiologic technology, or other workforce program areas approved by the appropriate dean. Although such credit may be granted upon entry into one of the designated programs at MCC, the credit will not become a part of the student's permanent record until the degree is granted. Normally no more than 15 credit hours may be awarded; exceptions may be approved by the appropriate dean.

    The dean shall maintain a record of the non-credit courses, licensures, and certifications for which MCC equivalencies have been established.

    College-credit for workplace learning experience is recommended by the departmental faculty through administrative channels to the appropriate dean. Students must provide clear evidence that the workplace experience is equivalent to a required internship or practicum required in a particular degree plan.

  • Guidelines for Internships and Practicums

    Internship courses are designed to enhance and develop workforce skills in a variety of Workforce Education programs. The student should consult with the respective program director for information regarding enrollment in internship courses.

    1. A student enrolling in an internship course must take at least one subject matter course at the same time. Exception: A student may enroll for the internship if he or she has completed, or will complete in the current semester, all courses listed in that semester for the course of study where the internship is listed.
    2. A student must have a declared major in the area in which the internship is performed.
    3. A student may not challenge an internship course through credit by examination.
    4. Approved intern stations must provide work experience directly related to the program objective. Students and the intern stations must meet established program guidelines and must be approved by the program director prior to registration.
    5. The minimum acceptable work experience is 6 to 20 clock hours, and one seminar or conference hour per week may be included for most internship/practicum courses. Exceptions must be approved by the appropriate dean.
    6. Other terms for external learning are practicum and clinicals.
    7. Exceptions to the above statement must have prior approval of the appropriate dean.
  • Student Grading System

    A student grade indicates the level of knowledge, understanding and competence a student attains in relation to the objectives and subject matter of a course. This level is determined by the faculty's evaluation of the student's performance during the semester. A grade is assigned for each course in which a student is enrolled, and that grade is entered on the student's permanent record. Grade results may be obtained by logging into MyMCC on the MCC website.

    While good grades are important to all students who wish to attain a particular educational objective, they are especially important to students who plan to transfer to senior institutions to complete their education. Only those courses in which satisfactory grades are made can be transferred for credit to other colleges and universities.

    The following shall be the system used for reporting and evaluating student grades at MCC:

    Grade in Course Grade Points per Semester

    B - GOOD 3
    C - FAIR 2
    D - POOR 1
    F - FAILING 0

    W - WITHDRAWAL - This grade is given for an faculty- or student-initiated course withdrawal through the 60 percent point in the semester or term. After the 60-percent point, the faculty may authorize a course withdrawal and assign either a W, if passing work was being accomplished, or an F (or Non-Completion (NC), for a student enrolled in a developmental class), if the student was failing the course. In extenuating circumstances, the faculty may assign a W to a student who is not passing through the last regular class day of a semester or term.

    I - INCOMPLETE - This grade is given when a course is incomplete because of a student's absence caused by illness or other reasons acceptable to the faculty. To be eligible for this grade, the student must have essentially completed the course. The work remaining should be of such a nature as to not require class attendance. If the work is not made up within the following long semester, an Incomplete (I) will be changed to an F, and the course must be repeated if credit is to be given.

    AU - AUDIT - This grade indicates a course is taken for no credit.

    Due to requirements of various accrediting agencies and the nature of clinical education, the grading policies of the Allied Health & Nursing programs may differ if approved by the Vice President of Instruction.

    Determining Grade Point Averages:
    Grade points are earned in courses where grades of A, B, C, or D are made. Although no (0) grade points are earned for courses in which an F is received, the semester-hour value of such courses is included in the total number of semester hours taken. To determine grade point average, total all grade points from all courses in which any of the preceding grades are given and divide the total by the semester hours attempted.

    The following grades may be assigned for internships, practicums, special projects, seminars, CLEP examinations, credits by examination, and other courses approved by the Vice President of Instruction:

    CR - CREDIT - No grade points are earned. This grade will be given when the student meets the criteria established by the faculty for passing that specific course. Appropriate credit hours are given.

    NC - NO CREDIT - No grade points are earned. This grade will be given when the student does not complete the criteria for the CR in the special courses listed above nor all of the modules required to complete a self-paced course. The student must re-enroll in the course to receive credit.

    Grades in developmental courses will be A, B, C, CR, W, or NC. No grade points are earned for any grade in a developmental course; appropriate developmental credit hours are earned.

    Certain Continuing Education programs may use the student grading system of A, B, C, D, F, W, and I. A grade of D or F is not passing, and the student will have to repeat the course for continuing education units (CEUs). No grade points are earned for any grade in a Continuing Education course; appropriate CEUs are earned. The selection of Continuing Education programs to use the grading system, and any exceptions are made at the discretion of the Dean of Workforce & Public Service.

    WARNING: It is recommended that students consult the catalog of the four-year college to which they plan to transfer in order to determine the procedure and computations of grades and grade point averages, as colleges differ in their methods of computation.

    • Grade Replacement

      When courses are repeated, only the credit hours and grade points earned the last time the course was taken are counted toward computing the grade point average. If the course is identified in the General Catalog as repeatable for credit, all grades are included in the calculation of grade point averages. If a course that is not identified as repeatable for credit in the General Catalog is repeated, the credit hours for this course will be counted once toward certificate or degree completion. A punitive grade (F) cannot be removed when a student enrolls in that course again and receives a W or I. In this case, the first attempt will continue to be included in the overall grade point average.

    • Grade Appeal Policy

      A student may appeal a grade within a period of one year from the day the class ends. Questions regarding potential grade errors should be directed to the faculty of record. Grade changes may be made by the faculty of record only or, in the absence of the faculty, the appropriate dean. Grade appeals will not be considered after one year.

  • Class Attendance

    Regular and punctual attendance is expected of all students, and each faculty member will maintain a complete record of attendance for the entire length of each course, including online and hybrid courses. Students will be counted absent from class meetings missed, beginning with the first official day of classes. Students, whether present or absent, are responsible for all material presented or assigned for a course and will be held accountable for such materials in the determination of course grades. In the case of online and hybrid courses, attendance will be determined in terms of participation, as described in the course syllabus.

    Absence from 25 percent of scheduled lecture and/or laboratory meetings will be taken as evidence that a student does not intend to complete the course, and the student will be withdrawn from the course with a grade of W. The faculty may reinstate the student if satisfied that the student will resume regular attendance and will complete the course.

    If the student’s 25-percent absences are reached after the official drop date, the faculty may assign a W, if the student is passing and requests to be withdrawn. However, if a student who is not passing reaches the 25-percent point after the official drop date, the student will receive an F. In extenuating circumstances, the faculty may assign a W to a student who is not passing.

    Each absence will count toward attendance requirements in each course.

    Students will be permitted to make up class work and assignments missed due to absences caused by (1) authorized participation in official College functions, (2) personal illness, (3) an illness or a death in the immediate family or (4) the observance of a religious holy day. Also, the faculty has the prerogative of determining whether a student may make up work missed due to absences for other reasons. It is the student’s responsibility to inform the faculty of the reason for an absence and to do so in a timely fashion.

    Students enrolled in mandated developmental classes based on MCC’s developmental education plan must adhere to attendance requirements as established by developmental education guidelines. Students are required by the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) to take a developmental course or courses will be required to follow the attendance guidelines in effect at the time of the student’s enrollment in the developmental course or courses.

    Programs such as Cosmetology and many of the Health Professions may have departmental attendance guidelines due to clinical requirements or requirements of approving agencies. (See appropriate departmental policies for details.)

  • Withdrawal from a Course

    Students who are considering withdrawal from a course are to contact one of the following, preferably in the order listed: faculty, program director, division chair or advisor. If, after consultation between the student and the faculty, there is a decision to withdraw through the 60-percent point in the semester or term, it is the responsibility of the student to see that the Change in Schedule Form is completed and submitted to Highlander Central.(The faculty can also process a withdrawal from a course through MyMCC on the MCC website .) The student should check MyMCC to verify that the withdrawal was processed.

    If, after the 60-percent point in the semester or term and after consultation between the student and the faculty, there is a decision to withdraw, it is the responsibility of the faculty to submit the Change in Schedule Form to Highlander Central or process a withdrawal through MyMCC as soon as possible or prior to the last class day of a semester or term. The student should check MyMCC to verify the withdrawal was processed. The effective date for withdrawing from a course is the date the withdrawal is processed.

  • Withdrawal from College

    In the case of an emergency where the student must withdraw from the College, the student may request withdrawal by one of the following, preferably in the order listed: 1) faculty, 2) Highlander Central or Office of Student Records, or 3) advisor.

    Withdrawal from college requires the return of all college-owned property and payment of all outstanding debts. Official transcripts will be issued only after all obligations to the College have been met.

    Students who receive financial assistance should contact the Office of Financial Aid before withdrawing from a class or withdrawing from the College to determine how their financial aid will be affected by the reduction of hours.

  • Student Absences on Religious Holy Days

    McLennan Community College shall excuse a student from attending classes or other required activities including examinations for the observance of a religious holy day, including travel for that purpose. Students are required to file a written request with each faculty for an excused absence. A student whose absence is excused for this observance may not be penalized for that absence and shall be allowed to take an examination or complete an assignment from which the student is excused within a reasonable time after the absence. "Religious holy day" means a holy day observed by a religion whose places of worship are exempt from property taxation under the Texas Tax Code.

    McLennan Community College may not excuse absences for religious holy days which may interfere with patient care.

  • Six Course Drop Provisions

    McLennan Community College will comply with the Texas Education Code Section 51.907 in regard to the limitations on the number of courses that may be dropped under certain circumstances by undergraduate students. (For complete details, see Six Course Drop Provisions.)

  • Scholastic Probation and Suspension

    Each student will have his/her scholastic record evaluated at the end of the fall and spring semesters. A student taking fewer than 12 semester hours in a regular semester will have his scholastic record evaluated upon the completion of 12 or more semester hours of work.

    Any student who has completed one or more semesters and has attempted 12 or more semester hours will be placed on scholastic probation if he/she fails to maintain a 2.0 cumulative grade point average. A student placed on first-time scholastic probation will be strongly encouraged to enroll in PSYC 1100/EDUC 1100 Learning Framework. A student on scholastic probation will be removed from scholastic probation when he/she earns a 2.0 cumulative grade point average. A student on scholastic probation who achieves a cumulative grade point average of 1.50 through 1.99 will continue on scholastic probation.

    Failure of a student on scholastic probation to maintain at least a 1.5 cumulative grade point average will result in his/her being placed on scholastic suspension for one long semester. A student placed on scholastic suspension may waive the long semester of suspension by enrolling in PSYC 1100/EDUC 1100 Learning Framework and/or agreeing to meet with a Student Success Coach. Students who do not meet these requirements shall be subject to being administratively withdrawn by the Director of Records and Registration from all courses in which they are enrolled.


    Students who do not improve their grade point average above 1.49 shall be suspended a second time and must stay out of college for one semester. (Note: Students who have attained a grade point average of 2.5 or higher in their last 12 hours of enrollment may apply to the Director of Records and Registration for special consideration.)

    A student who has been suspended from the College for scholastic reasons will be on scholastic probation if he/she re-enters. A student on scholastic probation or suspension who has attempted at least nine hours during the summer terms may, at the end of the summer, be re-evaluated to determine whether the probation or suspension may be rescinded.

    Students are expected to know whether they have maintained the minimum standard and are eligible to continue in college. An ineligible student who registers in the college will be subject to dismissal.

  • Access to Student Records

    A federal law enacted in 1974, the Public Law (PL) 93-380 Family Educational Rights and Privacy Acts, grants to all students access to the records that the institution possesses about them.

    The law also limits access to a student's grades, reports of academic performance, reports of disciplinary action and other data in the personal file without the student's permission.

    As provided in PL 93-380, potential donors and/or donors of scholarships will be provided copies of a student's record without prior consent from the student or parent (provided the student has made application for the scholarship), and no record thereof will be maintained.

    A detailed policy in compliance with this law is published in the Highlander Guide, MCC's student handbook.

  • Directory Information

    Directory/general information may be released to the general public without the written consent of the student. A student may request that all or any part of the directory information be withheld from the public by completing a Request to Withhold Directory or Public Information form available at Highlander Central.

    The completed form must be submitted in person to Highlander Central in the Enrollment Services Center during the first 12 class days of a fall or spring semester, the first four class days of a summer term or the first two class days of minimester term. The completed form must be accompanied by a photo I.D. The directory information items are listed in the Highlander Guide.

  • Departmental Accreditation

    Individual programs also may be accredited or approved by other agencies. The programs that have received such recognition and the accrediting or approving agencies are listed below:

    • Accrediting/Approved Programs and Agencies

      Associate Degree Nursing
        • Board of Nurse Examiners for the State of Texas
        • ACEN, Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing Inc.

      Certified Medication Aide
        • Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services

      Certified Nurse Aide
        • Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services

      Computer Information Systems
        • CISCO Local Academy
        • National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Education

      Continuing Nursing Education
        • Texas Nursing Association (provider status)

      Correctional Officer
        • Texas Department of Criminal Justice

        • Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation

      Defensive Driving
        • Texas Safety Association

      Emergency Medical Technology
        • Department of State Health Services

      Financial Services
        • American Institute of Banking Study Group
        • Texas Credit Union League

      Fire Protection Technology
        • Texas Commission on Fire Protection

      Health Information Technology
        • Commission on Accreditation for Health Informatics and Information Management Education (CAHIIM)

      Law Enforcement Academy
        • Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education

      Long-Term Care Administration
        • Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services

      Management/Real Estate
        • Texas Real Estate Commission

      Massage Therapy
        • Texas Department of Health

      Medical Assistant
        • Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs

      Medical Laboratory Technician -
        • National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences (NAACLS)

        • Texas Association of Music Schools

      Occupational Therapy Assistant
        • Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE) of the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA)

        • Department of State Health Services

      Physical Therapist Assistant
        • Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE)

      Radiologic Technology
        • Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT)

      Respiratory Care Technology
        • Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care (CoARC)

      Surgical Technology
        • Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP)
        • Accreditation and Review Council on Education in Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting (ARC/STSA)
        • National Board of Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting (NBSTSA)

        • Texas Educational Theatre Association

      Veterinary Technology
        • The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)

      Vocational Nursing
        • Board of Nurse Examiners for the State of Texas

  • Membership

    MCC is a member of the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC), the Texas Community College Association (TACC), and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC).

  • Institutional Memberships

    Achieving the Dream (ATD)
    American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO)
    Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT)
    Bellmead Chamber of Commerce
    Cen-Tex African American Chamber of Commerce (CTAACC)
    Cen-Tex Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
    Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE)
    Community College Business Officers (CCBO)
    Center for Community College Student Engagement (CCCSE)
    Community Colleges for International Development, Inc. (CCID)
    Greater Waco Chamber of Commerce
    Heart of Texas Council of Governments (HOTCOG)
    Hewitt Chamber of Commerce
    McGregor Chamber of Commerce
    National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO)
    National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA)
    National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD)
    Ridgewood Country Club
    Robinson Chamber of Commerce
    Rotary Club of Waco
    Southern Association of Colleges with Associate Degrees
    Texas Association of Chicanos in Higher Education
    Texas Association of School Boards (TASB)
    Texas Community College Teachers Association (TCCTA)
    Texas Hispanic-Serving Institutions Consortium (TxHSIC)
    Waco Business League (WBL)

    • Departmental Memberships

      Associate Degree Nursing
        • National League for Nursing
        • ACEN, Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing Inc.

      Computer Information Systems
        • Microsoft MSDN Academic Alliance

      Criminal Justice
        • Community College Criminal Justice Educators of Texas
        • Texas Peace Officers Association

        • Association of Departments of English
        • Conference of College Teachers of English in Texas

        • Music and Entertainment Educators Association
        • National Association of Music Merchandising
        • Texas Association of Music Schools
        • Texas Music Educators Association

      Music Industry Careers
        • Music and Entertainment Educators Association
        • National Association of Music Merchandising

      Office Technology Careers
        • National Business Education Association
        • Office Professionals International

        • NALS, Association of Legal Professionals
        • Waco Legal Professionals Association
        • American Association for Paralegal Educators
        • Texas Association of Paralegal Educators

      Speech Communication
        • National Communication Association
        • Texas Speech Communication Association

        • Association for Theatre in Higher Education
        • Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of the Americas
        • Southwest Theatre and Film Association
        • Texas Educational Theatre Association

      Visual Arts
        • Texas Association of Schools of Art