
  • Eligibility, Test Scores and High School Grade Level

    Are you eligible to enroll?

    FULL Admission, College Credit

    Student has TSIA college-ready scores or state-approved exemption.






    · Multiple choice score 945 and essay score 5


    · Multiple choice score below 945, diagnostic level 5 or 6, and essay score 5

    · Score of 950 OR

    · Score below 950 and diagnostic level 6

    ACT on/after 2.15.2023

    40 combined English + Reading tests


    SAT on/after 03.2016

    480 EBRW


    Course completion

    · ENGL 1301, C or better

    · MATH 1314, C or better

    Scores not required

    · Level 1 Certificate Program

    · Occupational Skill Award Program


    · Eligible for dual credit in fall of grade 9, for early admission in grade 11.

    · Student will be placed in an MCC degree plan.

    · All individual course prerequisites, including TSIA requirements, must be met.


    CONDITIONAL Admission, College Credit

    Student does not have college-ready TSIA score or exemption.

    Courses requiring TSIA-ELAR

    · PSAT of 460 EBRW; OR

    · English 2 EOC of 4000

    Courses requiring TSIA-MATH

    · PSAT of 510 Math; OR

    · Algebra 1 EOC of 4000 plus passing grade for both semesters of Algebra 2

    Courses not requiring TSIA

    · 945 TSIA-ELAR multiple choice score of 945; OR

    · Any option accepted for courses requiring TSIA-ELAR


    · Eligible for dual credit in fall of grade 9.

    · Student is limited to a total of 15 semester credit hours of courses under conditional admission.

    · Student must be designated by MCC as non-degree seeking.

    · Student MUST meet full admission requirements by 15 credit hours to continue enrollment.


    Admission, Continuing Education

    Continuing Education credit (CEU) awarded, not college credit.

    Courses may be articulated as college credit after completion according to college policy.

    · Satisfy the conditions and requirements of the Continuing Education program/course.

    · Eligible for dual credit in fall of grade 9.


  • Advising Requirements
    Effective: Fall 2024

    Are you required to visit with a college advisor?

    YES, If taking a course not listed on the MCC-approved dual credit list (below). 
    YES, If planning to attend a private or out-of-state institution. 
    YES, If not planning to earn an AA, AS, or bachelor's degree.  

    NO, If taking a course listed on the MCC-approved dual credit list (below) and planning for an AA, AS, or bachelor's degree from a TX public institution. 

    Pre-Approved Dual Credit Courses
    EDUC 1300
    Choose 1: ARTS 1301, DRAM 1310, MUSI 1306
    SPCH 1315*
    HIST 1301 and 1302
    ENGL 1301 and 1302
    GOVT 2305 and 2306
    Choose 1*: ECON, 2301, PSYC 2301, SOCI 1301
    *Check future college degree plan or seek college advising to determine best course for a specific degree plan or major.
    Pre-approved dual credit courses are intended for students seeking an AA, AS, or bachelor degree from a TX public institution.

    Any student may elect (and is recommended) to see a college advisor and should do so if planning to attend a private or out-of-state institution and is not planning for an AA, AS, or bachelor degree. 

    Not all courses may be accepted by all high schools for dual credit. Check with the ISD. 
    Effective: Fall 2024
    • To schedule advising:

      • Contact 254-299-8937 or for an appointment.
      • Be prepared to select an MCC program/major.
      • Career planning is recommended. Contact Career Services at 254-299-8614.
  • Financial Aid Implications

    Students are not eligible for state or federal financial aid while enrolled in high school. However, because they are recorded on the college transcript, grades earned for college courses taken while in high school can impact a student's future financial aid.

    Satisfactory Progress: After completing high school, students must meet a college's satisfactory progress standards to remain eligible for financial aid. McLennan's policy requires students to maintain a 2.0 or higher college GPA and complete 67 percent or more of course work.

    • College grades earned while in high school do affect college GPA.
    • College courses for which students earn an F, an I (incomplete) or a W (withdrawn after course census date) will count as non-completed courses.
    • The Satisfactory Progress Policy applies to all courses, whether financial aid was awarded for those courses or not.

    Maximum Time Frame: After completing high school, students receiving financial aid are expected to complete their educational objective or course of study within a reasonable time frame.

    • The maximum time frame under current regulation is 150 percent of the published length of the academic program or certificate.
    • This will include all undergraduate hours attempted (including all transfer credit hours).
    • Eligibility is lost beyond this limit.

    Repeated Course Rule: After completing high school, students are limited to one retake of a course if they have made a passing grade. Financial aid will not be awarded for a course after the passing grade and one retake.

    • A student who made an F and a D for a course cannot receive financial aid to take the course a third time.
    • If the first two (or more) attempts are withdrawals or failures, students can retake the course until they make a D or better grade, assuming they continue to make satisfactory progress.
  • Additional Requirements

    To enroll in a dual credit course, a student will:

    • Complete the steps of the college enrollment process (see How to Enroll page).
    • Submit a high school transcript and relevant test scores.
    • Submit record of a current bacterial meningitis vaccination if requesting a course on the MCC campus.
    • Complete the online, High School Pathways orientation.

     Students should also:

    • Read and agree to abide by the general conduct, departmental and academic policies of McLennan as outlined in the Highlander Guide and the McLennan General Catalog.
    • Consult with the high school counselor before withdrawing from any college course.
    • Consult with a college advisor to determine how transferred courses will apply to a college degree plan.

     To continue in the dual credit program, students will:

    • Complete the Title IX training (“Get Inclusive”) during the first semester of classes.
    • Maintain a 2.0 college GPA after completing 6 semester credit hours.
    • Accumulate no more than 2 withdrawals on the college transcript.