Commencement Ceremony Procedures - Ferrell Center
Please read the instructions below carefully.
The 2025 Spring Commencement Exercises will be conducted at 11 a.m. on Saturday, May 10, 2025, at Baylor University's Ferrell Center.
Guest Attendance Information:
- Doors open at 10 a.m.
- Clear Bag Policy: Baylor’s Website
- No balloons or flowers are allowed in the facility.
- No Airhorns
- No outside food. Concessions will be available.
- Ceremony will be livestreamed on our YouTube Channel
- Graduate information will be available on our website.
Graduates are asked to arrive by 10 a.m. to be processed into their lines. Graduates and their guests should park in areas C and D. Parking area A is available for handicap parking for graduates and guests. You can view the map here: here.
Parking instructions for graduates and guests:
- Lot A – Handicap Accessibility
- Lot C – General Parking
- Lot D – General Parking
Prior to the Ceremony
- Graduates should obtain caps, gowns, and tassels from the McLennan Community College Bookstore prior to the ceremony and wear these items to the ceremony.
- Graduates should secure valuables before the ceremony begins. Graduates should not carry purses or other objects. Waiting for family members can delay your attendance in the ceremony.
- If you are a member of an honor society, please contact your honor society advisor before May 10 to obtain your cord, medallion or stole. Please bring your cord, medallion or stole to the ceremony. Honor advisors will not be available the night of the commencement to distribute these items.
Attire for the Ceremony
- Graduates should wear nice attire under their robes. We ask that you dress in business casual attire. Wear shoes that are comfortable for walking and standing. Please note there are stairs going into the ceremony, entrance, and exit from stage. We advise against tall heels.
- Caps should be worn with the top flat rather than slanted with tassels on the right side of the cap during the ceremony.
- Graduates may decorate their caps. All decorations must be flat and should not extend above 1 inch in height. Graduates will not be allowed to participate in the commencement ceremony if decorations do not meet the guidelines or the decorations are deemed inappropriate or offensive. Please do not attach large bows.
- Only approved stoles, medallions, pins and cords are allowed at the ceremony. If you bring a non-approved item, you will be asked to remove prior to the ceremony. You can verify approved items here.
Arrival at Ceremony
- Graduates should arrive at 10 a.m. on May 10, 2025, at the Baylor University Ferrell Center. Doors open at 10 a.m.
- Graduates should enter the Ferrell center at the entrance to the left of the Jack Whetsel Practice Facility, adjacent the Ticket Office.
- Graduates will check in at tables at the entrance to the area. At check in graduates will receive the following:
- Seat Number
- Line Number
- Academic Honors and Military Items
- Flash Photography Cards
- Graduates should then visit the Flash Photography table to fill out and turn in the Flash Photography card.
- Honor cords, highest honor medallions, military cords, and other organizational items should be worn around the neck. We will have a table for assistance.
- Graduate diplomas will be distributed to graduates as they approach the stage.
- Ceremony program can be accessed via the QR code shown on our posters displayed throughout the Ferrell Center.
Commencement Ceremony
1. Graduates will be led from their lines into the ceremony by staff. The procession order will be stage party, faculty/staff then graduates.
3. The President of McLennan Community College will introduce notable attendees and introduce the speaker. The speaker will then provide their challenge.
4. At the appropriate time, the Vice President of Instruction & Student Engagement and the Chairman of the McLennan Community College Board of Trustees will direct the graduates to stand for the certification.
5. The graduates will be certified. The graduates will be directed to be seated.
6. The Vice President of Instruction & Student Engagement will direct the graduates to come to the stage and an Usher will be there to direct rows to the stage one row at a time.
7. Graduates will bring their name card to the stage and will receive their diploma by a staff member from the Office of Student Records. An usher will be there to prompt each row to come to the stage. If you forget your name card, please don’t turn around. Just notify staff close to the stage as soon as possible.
- Once at the stage, our announcer will announce your name. You will proceed across the stage:
- Shake hands with the president and take a picture.
- Shake hands with a McLennan Board member.
- Exit the stage and return to your row as shown below.
- Take another photo at the Flash Photography area at the side of the stage.
- Return to your seat by way of going around faculty seating area. An usher will also be there to assist.

10. At the end of the ceremony will be the recognition of the Highest Honors graduates.
11. The Highest Honor Graduate will first give their name card to the name announcer. Once their name is read they will proceed to stand with the Vice President of Instruction & Student Engagement as their information is being read. The announcer will say their name one last time and that will be their prompt to cross the stage and shake hands with the President and take a picture. Graduates will then shake hands with a McLennan Board Member. Finally graduates will exit stage to take a picture at the Flash Photography area.
12. Graduates will return to their seats.
13. The ceremony will be completed as listed in the program.
14. Before the presidential stage party exits the stage, the presiding officer will direct the graduates to move their tassels from the right to the left side of their caps.
15. The stage party will exit the stage. Ushers will lead graduates to exit the floor to the concourse area. Finally, Faculty and Staff will exit. Guest will remain seated until all three areas have exited.