WebAdvisor for Parents

NOTICE: If you get an error that reads, "Your connection is not fully secure", follow these instructions:

CHROME or EDGE web browsers:

  • Right-click the "Not Secure" message to the left of the URL (or the web address in the top of the browser).
  • Select Site Settings.
  • Set "Insecure Content" to allow.


  • Click the Advanced button on the left bottom of the error box.
  • You should see another link that reads, "Proceed to "webadvisor.mclennan.edu" (unsafe).
  • You may bypass the error by click on the "Proceed to ... (unsafe) link.

Firefox web browsers:

You may see an error that reads, "Secure Connection Failed". Follow the instructions below.

  • Click on "Enable TLS 1.0 and 1.1" or "Accept the Risk and Continue".

If these instructions do not work for you, contact our Tech Support.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I locate WebAdvisor?

    Go to https://webadvisor.mclennan.edu/ to log in to WebAdvisor.

  • How do I, as a parent, access WebAdvisor?

    Once your student adds you to their FERPA Consent area using the FERPA Consent Request form, you will be sent a verification request to the email address used on the FERPA Consent Request form. This will activate your WebAdvisor account and will allow access into the WebAdvisor system.

  • What is my log-in information as a parent to access WebAdvisor?

    Upon receiving your verification email, you will be given your WebAdvisor username, and be prompted to create a password to access WebAdvisor’s Parent Portal. You may reset your Password

  • Can I access my child's information in WebAdvisor?

    On the FERPA Consent Form your student filled out, they had two options of access: “Academic” which allows you to view their current schedule and view their unofficial transcript information, and “Financial” which allows you to submit payments on the student’s balances, view their statement of charges, and view their 1098T form (only if the student has already consented to view the form online). If you don’t have access to a specific feature, contact your student and have them add that feature to your FERPA Consent status through their WebAdvisor.