
Audition Checklist and Timeline

Music Scholarships at McLennan Community College are available to all qualified students regardless of major. Award amounts are generous, varying from one-third to full tuition and fee reimbursement. (NOTE: This percentage is based on the published tuition and fee rate for an in-county resident to register for 12 semester hours. This does not include books and other special fees.)

Scholarship Applications

What are the criteria for scholarship awards?

McLennan music scholarships are based on merit and the needs of the various McLennan performing ensembles. Generally, awards are given for participation in bands, choirs, orchestra, opera, or piano accompanying.

What is expected at the audition?

  • Choir - Vocalize, Sing one song in a foreign language and Sightread.
  • Band -
    • Winds and Piano Perform two contrasting selections: one fast and technical and one slow and lyrical, each 2-3 minutes in length.
    • Percussion - Perform one selection on snare and one selection on either mallets or timpani.
  • Piano (accompanying) - Perform one selection of auditionee's choosing. Sightreading will be required. 
  • Orchestra (strings) - Perform two contrasting selections: one fast and technical and one slow and lyrical, each 2-3 minutes in length.
  • Opera - tba

When will I be notified about the results of the scholarship audition?

The Scholarship Committee will notify you within three weeks of the audition.

Do I have to be a music major to receive a music scholarship?

No. You simply have to agree to the requirements of the scholarship which generally include the following: 1. Participate in the assigned ensemble(s); 2. Register as a full-time student (minimum load of 12 semester hours); 3. Maintain a 4.0 grade point average (GPA) in your music ensemble and an overall GPA of 2.5 in all classes; 4. Register for studio lessons on your major instrument.

May I receive a scholarship for more than one semester?

Yes. Generally, students will receive their scholarship for four semesters, providing they fulfill the scholarship requirements. Some students continue to receive music awards while enrolled in coursework through the University Center.

What other types of financial aid are available at McLennan?

Students are required to complete financial aid forms that are available from the Office of Financial Assistance. This office will assist you with other types of financial assistance, some which are based on merit, others which are based on need. 

Are there any other music awards available?

Yes. Each year, the music faculty provide funds for the “Music Faculty Award Competition.” This award is generally given to an exemplary returning sophomore music major. Auditions are held during the spring semester.

Should I dress-up for the audition?

It never hurts to look your best for things that are important to you!

Choir Piano Band 
Orchestra Opera
Edgar Sierra Dr. James Pitts Dr. Jon Conrad Dr. Peter Olson Edgar Sierra
(254) 299-8222 (254) 299-8285 (254) 299-8220 (254) 299-8221 (254) 299-8222