Application Procedure

Notice: Please turn in all completed* nursing applications and the completed checklists for ADN and VN to the drop box in Health Professions, Room 222. Applications must be submitted in person and cannot be emailed. *Incomplete application packets (missing HESI A2 scores, TSI status, grades, proof of residency, or any other required information/documents) will be considered ineligible for admission. **Schedule your HESI A2 with the Testing Center early & ensure that your TSI status is accurate through Advising and Career Services. Scores that are not available by the deadline will not be considered for admission or waitlist status. 

Application Deadlines: The MCC Associate Degree Nursing Program is currently accepting applications for the following. 

Mandatory Orientation: Newly accepted and waitlisted students are required to attend the in-person orientation to the program (see the dates and deadlines). Please make a note of the orientation date and plan accordingly before applying. No alternate orientation dates are available. 

  • Summer 2025
    • LVN to ADN Transition Program applications are due by 4:00 PM on Tuesday, March 18, 2025. (The MCC Testing Center will be closed during Spring Break- March 10th-14th - plan accordingly to take your HESI A2.).
    • Mandatory Orienation will take place in two phases on
      • Wednesday, April 9 from 0900-1200 and on
      • Monday, June 2, from 9 AM- 12 noon.  
  • Fall 2025
    • ADN Progam applications are due by 4:00 PM on Monday, May 12, 2025.
    • Orientation will take place on Wednesday, June 11, 2025 from 9 AM until 4 PM on the MCC Campus in the Lecture Hall 200. Note: This is a change from the previously posted date. 
  • Spring 2026
    • ADN Program applications are due by 4:00 PM on the Monday following the end of the first 8-week term in the fall of 2025. 
    • Orientation will follow. Dates to be announced. 

Applicants must be admitted to MCC before they can be considered for admission to the ADN Program.

Apply to MCC.

Acceptance Letters: Applicants will receive a notice of acceptance status through their MCC student email after the ADN Admissions Committee, Advisors, and MCC Leadership/Admissions Committee have approved the selection. This typically takes approximately 3 weeks. 

Waitlist: The ADN Program may include a waitlist/alternate list of up eligible applicants with points values just below those accepted each term. Waitlisted students will be expected to complete all steps to begin the semester by the established deadline. If a waitlisted/alternate student who is in compliance with all admission requirements is not able to start with the current cohort, they will be guaranteed placement in the following semester. 

General Information Sessions:

Attend an Associate Degree Nursing General Information Session.
Call 254-299-8347 to reserve a space or make an individual appointment.  General Information sessions are generally held on Mondays at 5:00PM by appointment only.

HESI A2 Entrance Exam Prep: 

The MCC Academic Support and Tutoring department offers free HESI A2 Prep to our students through PLATO Learning. Visit the MCC Academic Support and Tutoring webpage for instructions and information.

ADN Admission Criteria with HESI A2 9-1-22.pdf  

Apply to the ADN Program

ADN Application and Checklist 02-03-25.pdf

 ADN Points System.pdf

Re-admission Application - 1-17-24.pdf

NOTE: Applications for the ADN Program will not be considered complete until ALL of the admission steps are completed.

Other Requirements

The following items must be completed and documented with the ADN administrative assistant prior to the first day of class on the date identified in the acceptance packet and reviewed during orientation:

  • Current immunizations ( immunization form)
  • Current TB test (must be IGRA Serum Blood Screening Test)(must be within the past year)(Can be T-Spot or Quantiferon Gold)
  • Documentation of chicken pox (titer) or the varicella vaccination (two vaccines required) *other immunizations are identified on the immunization form. 
  • Current American Heart Association Health Care Provider Basic Life Support certification (must be renewed every two years)
  • N-95 Fit testing with required MCC Document Uploaded
  • Proof of health insurance 
  • Cleared criminal background checks (verification from the Board of Nursing) and
  • Negative drug screens.  (Students are required to complete Castlebranch screening and ensure that results have been received by the ADN Administrative Office by the deadline established for each newly admitted cohort.)
Required Notice to Students:

The email address that you provide to the Board of Nursing is required in order to schedule fingerprinting for your criminal background check.

The email address that you provide to the Board is subject to release to the public pursuant to the Texas Public Information Act.

NOTE: Nursing and Anatomy and Physiology 1 courses completed more than five years from the application date will not be accepted.