Financial Services FAQs

Commonly Requested Forms

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Frequently Asked Questions
Our hours are Monday - Thursday 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. and Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. You may also reach us by phone at 254-299-8627.
- Pay on campus in the Business Office, located on the first floor of the Administration building.
- Mail a check:
- Make check payable to McLennan Community College.
- Write the student's MCC ID number on the check.
- Mail to MCC Business Office, 1400 College Drive, Waco, TX 76708.
NOTE: If you dispose of or sell your car, you may receive a replacement parking decal at no cost if you bring the old decal (bits or pieces) to the Business Office. Decals may be removed with a single-edge razor blade.
In order to have a parking ticket dismissed, you must ride the shuttle five times within 10 days of the ticket date. This does not include citations for Handicap parking. The shuttle driver will stamp your ticket each time you ride. After your fifth time of riding the shuttle, turn in the ticket to the Business Office as soon as possible to have your ticket dismissed. Only one ticket per semester may be dismissed.
You may either come to the Business Office to have your photo taken, or order it online and upload a photo. If ordering online, allow up to 72 hours for processing. You may request a temporary ID card at the Business Office. You will receive your Highlander Student ID card in the mail within 7-10 business days.
For current information on how to activate your Highlander Student ID card, visit the BankMobile Disbursements Disbursements website or
Learn more about your Highlander Student ID.
NOTE: If you receive financial aid and withdraw or drop from all of your coursework, you will be required to repay a portion of your grant or loan. Please check with the Office of Financial Aid before withdrawing.
NOTE: A service charge of $10 will be assessed for book loans. The total amount of the loan plus the service charge is due within 30 days (Summer I and II) and 60 days (Fall) after the first class day. *Book loans are not available for minimester classes.